Updated at 2022-04-17
Most visitors visit Tokushima for the Awa Dance Festival. The Awa odori, or Awa dance, performed during the festival originated in Tokushima some 400 years ago. It is known as the "Big Three," along with Gujo odori of Gifu and Nishimonai bon odori of Akita. The dance is performed to the music of the shamisen lute, taiko drums, shinobue flute, and kane bell. Performers dance and chant as they parade the streets, occasionally inviting onlookers to join in. The Awa Dance Festival is held in August each year. People dance on the streets until late at night, and the lively atmosphere brings a coolness to the summer night.
Language: Japanese
Area: 4,147 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 683,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Manufacturing, agriculture and fisheries