Updated at 2023-05-31
Miyazaki Prefecture hosts the Takachiho Night Kagura in November each year. According to Japanese mythology, Amaterasu once retreated to a cave called Ame No Iwayato, depriving the world of light. It was goddess Ame No Uzume who led Amaterasu back into the world by dancing in front of the cave. Takachiho Night Kagura is composed of 33 acts. Dancers wear various masks representing fertility, wealth, and marriage, performing throughout the night. The Takachiho Night Kagura is recognized as a national cultural heritage by the Japanese government.
Alliance Date: October 05, 2017
Language: Japanese
Area: 7,735.16 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 1,027,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Commerce, agriculture and fisheries