Updated at 2022-03-23
Although glasswork is a relatively new craft in Japan, Japanese glasswork has evolved into a unique art form. Glassmaking is hugely complex, and procedures can be broadly categorized into parison processing, blowing, cooling and picking, cutting, grinding, refining, and final inspection. In the only surviving mouth-blown glass factory in Japan, every process is managed by professionals with years of experience. The plate has a blue gradient added by an experienced glassmaker. Different metal elements are added to the parison during the blowing process to create different colors. The parison is then blown to mix the colors together and form images. Because every piece is individually blown, they are one-of-a-kind.
Alliance Date: August 9, 2016
Language: Japanese
Area: 5,156.48 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 6,270,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Agriculture, fisheries, commerce, and industry