Updated at 2022-05-09
Most worldly objects age and mottle with time. Lacquerware is but a few exceptions for which time adds value. Lacquerware is solidly made and extremely durable against scratching, even with frequent use. They also become glossier and more charming over time. Takamatsu has the widest variety of lacquerware in Japan. Lacquerware from this region is commonly known as Kagawa lacquerware, which is made by combining Chinese, Japanese, and Thai techniques. Choshitsu, kinma, and zonsei originated from Southeast Asia, while zokoku-nuri and goto-nuri are techniques developed in China and Japan. Kagawa lacquerware consolidates the techniques from various cultures seamlessly. That's why Kagawa is known as the Kingdom of Lacquer.
Alliance Date: July 18, 2016
Language: Japanese
Area: 1,876.72 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 914,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Tourism, industry, commerce, agriculture and fisheries