Updated at 2022-03-25
One of the principal charms of lacquerware is that it can be paired with tableware of any material, including glass and ceramics, to create unexpected results. The technique used to coat the surface of lacquerware significantly influences the final result, style, and durability. Kagawa long reigned as the Kingdom of Lacquer. The research done by Tamakaji Zokoku led to the development of the five major Kagawa lacquer techniques: zokoku-nuri, kinma, goto-nuri, zonsei, and choshitsu. Regardless of the technique used, the commonality is the maturity of Kagawa lacquerware over time. As the saying goes, "the best wine sits at the bottom of the barrel!"
Alliance Date: July 18, 2016
Language: Japanese
Area: 1,876.72 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 914,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Tourism, industry, commerce, agriculture and fisheries