Updated at 2022-04-25
Zokoku-nuri is a traditional lacquering technique passed down over generations in Kagawa. The name is taken from the father of Kagawa lacquerware, Zokoku Tamakaji. Zokoku was a lacquer artisan during the Edo period. He devoted himself to studying the lacquer techniques of different cultures and extracting the features of Japanese, Chinese, Southasian lacquer art. He finally invented a lacquer style unique to Kagawa that popularized throughout the nation. Zokoku-nuri is one of the five major Kagawa lacquer techniques, including kinma, goto-nuri, zonsei, and choshitsu.
Alliance Date: July 18, 2016
Language: Japanese
Area: 1,876.72 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 914,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Tourism, industry, commerce, agriculture and fisheries