
Brno City Landmarks Magnet

Updated at 2024-04-19


The magnet in the picture has four distinct illustrations. The upper left corner shows the Špilberk Castle, built in the 13th century as the administrative center of Moravia. During Austro-Hungarian rule, the castle became one of the harshest prisons in Europe. Today, it is a cultural center for arts and events in Brno. The lower left corner shows the Villa Tugendhat, a pioneering prototype of functionalist architecture and one of the four most important villas in the world. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. However, the Tugendhat family only lived there for eight short years before fleeing Moravia during WWII. The Saint Peter and Saint Paul Cathedral in the upper right stands tall on a hill, making it easily recognizable from any city corner. The building in the lower right is the old town hall, which is notable for the pillar sculpture on the central exterior wall of the main entrance. The stonemason intentionally distorted the sculpture because the town council had failed to pay him for his work. The distorted sculpture served as a lesson to the council that they needed to act with integrity.


Brno City Landmarks Magnet
Ivo Bednar, Head of the Department for Foreign Relations, Brno City
Friendly States
Czech Republic

Alliance Date: March 27, 2023
Language: Czech
Area: 230.2 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 400,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Brno is the second-largest city in the Czech Republic. It is an important industrial city and the railway hub of the country.

L7cm W5cm H0.2cm
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