Updated at 2024-04-19
When Han Yu was exiled to Chaozhou, he devised a brilliant idea to resolve the crocodile infestation in the Chaozhou River. He composed a sacrificial ode to the crocodiles, admonishing them to leave the river. He then ordered the locals to dump bags of lime into the river, successfully driving away the crocodiles. Little did Han Yu know that his crocodile-eradicating tactic would be reenacted hundreds of years later, thousands of kilometers away, and make the person who adopted his tactic as rich as can be. In the Central European city of Brno, which had been thrown into chaos by a crocodile, a high reward was offered to anyone who could get rid of the creature. A courageous butcher came forward and wrapped lime in animal skin, which he then threw into the crocodile-infested river. The crocodile mistakenly ate the lime and immediately became severely dehydrated. It frantically drank the river water, which caused a violent reaction to the lime. The crocodile ultimately exploded, and the butcher became a rich man. The once ferocious crocodile later became a cute trademark of Brno.
Alliance Date: March 27, 2023
Language: Czech
Area: 230.2 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 400,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Brno is the second-largest city in the Czech Republic. It is an important industrial city and the railway hub of the country.