
締盟禮icon Taoyuan-Newark Commemorative Plate

Updated at 2024-05-02


Newark is the llargest city in New Jersey. It is separated from the bustling Manhattan Island by the Hudson River. Besides a booming insurance industry, Newark is also famous for its leatherware. Many people working in Manhattan also opt to stay in Newark. The ceramic plate in the picture features the Seal of Newark and a key historical date: 1666. Newark was originally founded by the Pilgrims in 1666. At the time, Newark was but a small village. It was officially made a city in 1836. The cornucopia of fruits and vegetables and the arm wielding a hammer respectively symbolize the city’s thriving agriculture and industry.


Taoyuan-Newark Commemorative Plate
Luis Quintana Vice President of the Newark City Council
Friendly States
United States
City of Newark, Essex County, New Jersey

Alliance Date: August 3, 2021
Language: English
Area: 63 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 300,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Newark is the largest city in New Jersey and is known for its finance and insurance industries and ports. Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal is one of the largest seaports in the United States by throughput. Newark Liberty International Airport was the first international airport in the greater New York area.
