Updated at 2022-04-14
Cowboy boots are a type of equestrian-ware commonly seen in the western United States. They became a symbol of the west between the 18th and 19th centuries. Before mass transportation, cowboys rounded cattle on the western grasslands on horseback. Cowboy boots were developed to help cowboys with their job. The cowboy boot in the picture features the Texas flag, also known as the lone star flag. The color scheme is similar to the American flag.
Language: English
Area: 695,662 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 31,290,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Texas is the second-largest state in the United States by area and population, second only to Alaska in area. It is larger than France by area and has a slightly fewer population than California. Texas is a vast state located at the intersection of several climate zones, making the state's weather extremely unpredictable. It is also the hardest hit by tornados than any other state in the United States. Texas has a strong economy that relies on agriculture, mining, energy production, and technology. Its annual gross state product (GSP) is higher than the gross national product of Canada and Russia.