Updated at 2022-04-17
Goto-nuri is one of the five major Kagawa lacquer techniques. The technique is recognized by the use of bright vermilion. During the Edo period, goto-nuri was largely used in making pots and tea sets. Gradually, the technique spread to other items for its durability and aesthetic, from large items such as tables and artwork to small items such as snuff boxes and kitchenware. Goto-nuri lacquerware could be seen in every household in Kagawa. Tea enthusiasts is one of the group who love goto-nuri. Taihei Goto, also known as the inventor of goto-nuri, was a tea enthusiast himself.
Alliance Date: July 18, 2016
Language: Japanese
Area: 1,876.72 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 914,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Tourism, industry, commerce, agriculture and fisheries