Updated at 2023-05-22
Tokkuri is a sake decanter that is exclusively used for pouring Japanese sake. The name "Genzou Tokkuri" originates from Genzou Akagaki, one of the 47 loyal retainers in Chushingura who sought revenge for their lord. The night before the attack, Genzou couldn't find his brother to say goodbye, so he drank sake from a tokkuri and sadly departed. In the past, sake merchants used to engrave the names of households on Tokkuri, and the children of the households would bring their own Tokkuri to buy sake.
Alliance Date: September 16, 2016
Language: Japanese
Area: 213.84 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 133,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Its main industries are tourism and agriculture. It also has Narita International Airport.