Updated at 2024-08-06
The relationship between Netherlands and Taiwan formed very early on. After expanding its maritime business eastward, the Dutch ruled Taiwan for 44 years, as early as the 17th century. To maintain their dominant position, the Dutch drew many maps of Taiwan. The most detailed map was “Navigational map of coastal Fujian and Guangdong provinces and Taiwan Island” drew by J. van Keulen in 1728. This map of the Taiwan archipelago clearly shows place names on east and west coasts, indigenous tribes in the central mountain range, and transport routes on the island. It’s a very rare map and represents the special friendship between the Netherlands and Taiwan.
Flag: the Dutch flag is rectangular with a horizontal triband of red, white, and blue from top to bottom. It is the oldest tricolor flag in continuous use. The red band symbolizes valor, the white band symbolizes blessings, and the blue band represents loyalty towards the motherland.
National day: April 27
Language: Dutch and West Frisian are the official languages, but the majority of the Dutch people are fluent in English. There aren't communication difficulties in using English when traveling in the Netherlands.
Capital: Amsterdam
Area: 410,865 square kilometers (34,225 square kilometers of land, 7,640 square kilometers of territorial waters)
Population: Approx. 18,288,000 people
Currency: EURO (EUR)
Government: The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. The current head of state is King Willem-Alexander. The king is the nominal head of state and the symbolic representative of the country. The Netherlands has a cabinet responsibility system with an institutional separation of powers. The States General of the Netherlands has legislative authority and the monarch and the cabinet have executive authority, but the actual power lies in the cabinet.