
Mug from State of California

Updated at 2024-05-02


The State of California, home to nearly 40 million residents, holds the title for the most populous state in the United States. The charming illustrations on the mug highlight the California’s diverse features, including cherries, peaches, and other produce, as well as farms with cows and sheep. It also features dolphins and sea lions in the San Francisco Bay, alongside renowned landmarks such as the capital, Sacramento, and Hollywood in Los Angeles. And, of course, the design wouldn't be complete without Cupertino, the headquarters of Apple!


Mug from State of California
Friendly States
United States

Language: English
Area: 423,970 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 39 million people
Main Industries/Features: California is the third-largest state in the United States by land area and the most populous state in the United States with a GDP of 3.59 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022, the highest among all states. If California were an independent country, it would be the fifth-largest economy globally. Los Angeles County, California, is the most populous county in the United States, and San Bernardino County is the largest county in the United States by area.
