Updated at 2022-04-17
Goto-nuri was invented by Tahei Goto, Feudal Retainer of the Takamatsu Domain, during the late Edo period. Mr. Goto was also a close friend of Mr. Zokoku Tamakaji, widely considered the father of Kagawa lacquerware. Goto-nuri is identifiable by the distinct vermilion color and the application of the pigment by hand rather than a brush to create a unique texture. The vermilion applied through goto-nuri does not fade over time. On the contrary, the color becomes more vibrant with age. This is one of the many charms of Kagawa lacquerware. Originally, the technique was named “goto-nuri.” However, later generations changed the name to goto-nuri in honor of its inventor Taihei Goto.
Alliance Date: July 18, 2016
Language: Japanese
Area: 1,876.72 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 914,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Tourism, industry, commerce, agriculture and fisheries