Updated at 2024-05-28
Korean tableware is often made of metal and is well-known for its durability and easy cleaning and sterilization. Among these, flat chopsticks and long-handled spoons are essential utensils on the Korean dining table. In Korean table etiquette, the bowl should not leave the table, and bringing the bowl close to the mouth when dining is generally frowned upon. Therefore, the long-handled spoon is invented. Flat chopsticks, on the other hand, do not roll easily when held, making it convenient for picking up Korean side dishes, or banchan.
Alliance date: Sept. 7, 2016
Language: Korean
Area: 615.3 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 413,000 people
Main Industries/Features: The main industries are cutting-edge electronics and related machinery parts; semiconductors; and information technology. Gumi is a city where traditional culture and cutting-edge industries meet (It has a long history and tradition, as well as the country’s largest industrial park whose tenants include Samsung, LG, and other international companies).