Updated at 2024-04-01
The Parliament of South Australia was established in 1857 after becoming a self-governing colony with the ratification of a new constitution and the creation of a representative government system. South Australia was a pioneer in enacting legislation more advanced than other regions in Australia or the British Empire at that time. Councillors are elected into the 22-seat Legislative Council based on a proportional representation system to serve for a usual term of 8 years. Eleven seats are up for re-election every 4 years. The two large letters, LC, inscribed on the cufflinks are the abbreviation for the Legislative Council.
Language: English
Area: 1,043,514 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 1,860,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Primarily produces primary products such as wheat, wool, barley, fruits, wine, beef, and lamb.