Updated at 2023-08-30
The world's oldest instrument originated from Australia. The didgeridoo is a folk instrument widely used by the Australian indigenous people. They are wooden wind instruments roughly one meter in length, made from eucalyptus branches hollowed out by ants. The sound of the instrument is full-bodied. The player uses a special circular breathing technique to play the instrument while singing or mimicking animal sounds. The didgeridoo was first used by the indigenous people in religious ceremonies, and only men were allowed to play the instrument. This didgeridoo is embellished with dot art, unique to the indigenous people. This art style superimposes dots to create artworks.
Alliance Date: March 18, 1995
Language: English
Area: 957 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 378,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Logan City is a satellite city of Brisbane and a key industrial and commercial region.