
Đồng Tháp Province commemorative plaque

Updated at 2022-04-25


Đồng Tháp Province’s emblem was chosen in 2007. It was designed by local artist Quang Trinh. The elements are lotus petals, a dancing crane, and a wreath of rice. The pink lotus is a symbol of Đồng Tháp, while the red-crowned crane is one of the rare birds protected by Tràm Chim National Park in Đồng Tháp. Vietnam has been deeply influenced by Chinese culture, and although there are few red-crowned crane tracks in the country, the bird is frequently praised in literary and artistic works. The people regard the bird as a symbol of auspiciousness. In the emblem, the shape of the lotus petals represents upward development, while the wreath of rice indicates that Đồng Tháp is a major rice-producing province.


Đồng Tháp Province commemorative plaque
Tuan Jin-bao Vice Chairman Đồng Tháp Province People’s Committee
Friendly States
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Dong Thap Province

Language: Vietnamese
Area: 3,378.8 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 1,800,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Đồng Tháp Province is a Vietnamese province in the Mekong Delta. It was established over 300 years ago. The capital is Cao Lãnh. Đồng Tháp is surrounded by a canal system that carries large quantities of alluvium. The province is rich in natural resources. The main industries are agriculture and ecotourism services. There are orchards and vast rice paddies that remain spring-like throughout the year, as well as many rare protected migratory birds. Tràm Chim National Park in Đồng Tháp’s Tam Nông District is inhabited by numerous sarus cranes. The park covers an area of 7,313 hectares. It has rich and diverse ecosystems, as well as a compete wetland ecosystem, making it very popular with tourists.
