
National Municipal League of Thailand Commemorative Plaque

Updated at 2024-09-06


Thailand has a land area roughly 14 times the size of Taiwan. Therefore, the division of administrative districts is very different from that of Taiwan. Thailand has a total of four administrative levels. There are 76 prefectures at the top administrative level. These prefectures are subsequently subdivided into counties, townships, and villages. The National Municipal League of Thailand is an alliance of various cities in Thailand. It focuses on promoting municipal affairs and cooperation and strengthening relationships and communication. The image on the badge is the emblem of the National Municipal League of Thailand.


National Municipal League of Thailand Commemorative Plaque
Kriangkrai Phoomlaochaeng Mayor of Kalasin City
Friendly States
Kingdom of Thailand
Yang Talat

Language: Thai
Area: 239.8 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 134,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Yang Talat is a district of Kalasin Province in Northeastern Thailand. It is located on the left bank of the Lam Pao and is home to Kalasin University. According to archaeological evidence, the Lawa people lived here around 1,600 B.C. However, the first city was only built-in 1793. The Kalasin Museum collects artifacts of Kalasin Province and has a vast collection of artifacts related to Thai religion, lifestyle, and craftsmanship. In terms of economics, Kalasin Province's primary industry is agriculture, particularly cassava, sugar cane, and jasmine rice. The provincial government is committed to transforming Kalasin into a hub for organic agriculture. Kalasin is also home to Phu Kum Khao, Thailand's largest dinosaur fossil site.
