Updated at 2024-09-11
The Kowhai is a bell-like yellow flower endemic to New Zealand. The name "Kowhai" is derived from the Maori word for "yellow," and it has become a symbol of New Zealand. This artwork is by the Kiwi artist Jo Luping, who adopted the Kowhai as the main subject. Jo Luping's works span multiple disciplines, including ceramics, jewelry, and print. He draws inspiration from the vast land and oceans of New Zealand.
Flag: The New Zealand flag is a horizontal rectangle with a length-width ratio of 2:1. The base color of the flag is royal blue, representing the blue ocean and sky. The British flag occupies the top left corner of the flag, and four red stars outlined in white asymmetrically mark the right side of the flag. New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and the British flag represents its relationships with the United Kingdom. The four stars represent the Southern Cross constellation, indicating that New Zealand is a free and independent nation in the Southern Hemisphere.
National Day: February 6 (Treaty of Waitangi)
Language: English, Maori, sign language
Capital: Wellington
Area: 269,652 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 5,230,000 people
Currency: New Zealand dollar
Government: New Zealand is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy with the Queen of England as the Head of State and represented by the Governor-General. A government is a parliamentary system with unicameralism, and the Electoral system is a proportional representation system.