Updated at 2022-04-25
The tin puzzle was created by Paul Gibbs and Tony Prischl in 1994. It comprises 36 different African animals that fit together to create the continent shape of Africa. South Africa is one of the five major mining countries in the world, and mining is the pillar of South Africa's economic growth. Mineral products account for roughly 50% of all exports out of South Africa, including gold, platinum, manganese, vanadium, chromium, and aluminosilicate. This puzzle combines two of South Africa's major features.
Language: Afrikaans
Area: 687.5 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 2,820,000 people
Main Industries/Features: Pretoria is the capital of South Africa and home to the Office of the President. The embassies of the world are concentrated on several streets in Pretoria, making it the center of politics in South Africa.