Updated at 2024-04-01
Established in 1895 by Daniel Swarovski, the Austrian artificial crystal brand Swarovski excels in manufacturing crystal jewelry, optical instruments, and cutting tools. This distinguished brand has perfected a refined cutting technique, allowing their artificial crystals to emulate the sparkle of natural ones. This crystal pen features artificial crystals made from a fusion of glass, lead, and rare earth elements. The pen's sleek design exudes an aura of elegance and simplicity.
Flag: The Austrian flag is a horizontal triband of red (top and bottom) and white. It is one of the oldest designs in the world.
National Day: October 26
Language: German (main) and English (universal)
Capital: Vienna
Area: 83,871 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 9,119,000 people
Currency: EURO (EUR)
Government: Austria is a federal parliamentary republic comprising 9 states: Wien, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg, Kärnten, Steiermark, and Burgenland. Parliament is divided into the upper house (Bundesrat) and the lower house (Nationalrat), and the government is a cabinet system. The Chancellor holds the highest seat in the federal government and serves for a term of 5 years.