
Crystal Pen

Updated at 2024-04-01


Established in 1895 by Daniel Swarovski, the Austrian artificial crystal brand Swarovski excels in manufacturing crystal jewelry, optical instruments, and cutting tools. This distinguished brand has perfected a refined cutting technique, allowing their artificial crystals to emulate the sparkle of natural ones. This crystal pen features artificial crystals made from a fusion of glass, lead, and rare earth elements. The pen's sleek design exudes an aura of elegance and simplicity.


Crystal Pen
Hermann Ortner, Director, Austrian Commercial Office
Friendly States
Republic of Austria

Flag: The Austrian flag is a horizontal triband of red (top and bottom) and white. It is one of the oldest designs in the world.
National Day: October 26
Language: German (main) and English (universal)
Capital: Vienna
Area: 83,871 square kilometers
Population: Approx. 9,119,000 people
Currency: EURO (EUR)
Government: Austria is a federal parliamentary republic comprising 9 states: Wien, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg, Kärnten, Steiermark, and Burgenland. Parliament is divided into the upper house (Bundesrat) and the lower house (Nationalrat), and the government is a cabinet system. The Chancellor holds the highest seat in the federal government and serves for a term of 5 years.

L14cm W1.5cm H1cm
Glazes and crystals