
Ruby Painting

Updated at 2023-05-31


Myanmar is an agricultural country, but it’s known globally for its precious stones. The quality of Myanmar’s jadeites and rubies is considered to be the finest in the world. The biggest ruby producing area in Myanmar is Mogok Mine, which extends northeast from Mandalay in central Myanmar. The mine by itself employs around 500,000 people, showing the enormous scale of Myanmar’s precious stone industry. The finest ruby is the pigeon’s blood ruby, which has a vivid red hue with a slight tinge of blue. The luster after cutting is comparable to that of the diamond. The market value of a one-carat pigeon’s blood ruby can reach US$20,000 to US$30,000.


Ruby Painting
Thet Lwin Oo, Member, Myanmar Economic and Trade Delegation
Friendly States
Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Flag: the flag features a white five-pointed star and yellow, green, and red horizontal stripes as the background.
National day: Jan. 4
Language: Burmese
Capital: Nay Pyi Taw
Area: Approx. 53,000,000 people
Population: Approx. 54,180,000 people
Currency: kyat
Government: federal presidential system, bicameral legislature, five-year term. The cabinet has 24 members, and the president leads the cabinet. There are four levels of courts and procuratorates. The Supreme Court and the Office of the Attorney General of the Union supervise three levels of region or state, district, and township courts and law offices.
